House of Charles 4x award winning Hat designer/Milliner..
Janice Charles, a self taught milliner, from Liverpool UK.. who design's under her own label House of Charles..... Janice is a former architect ,Who now and builds wearable architecture. My journey into millinery was purely accidental, whilst working for an architectural practice I became ill and had to take time out, it was during this time I taught myself how to make hats to give myself a focus and keep the creative juices flowing. I already owned a sewing machine as I had previously gained a qualification in fashion design some years before and my foundation course before I chose architecture was 3 -Dimensional design consisting of Architecture, space planning and product design, so i was used to implementing my visions into reality. The first hats I ever made I showed my partner when he came home, he thought I had bought them and he was the one who encouraged me to to put them up for sale to test the market, to my surprise my first two hats had over 700 views in 3 days and sold. This gave me the confidence to take it to the next level. In 2010 whilst still in hobby mode. I entered a competition called "Who wants to be a milliner-naire" (The Queens hat competition) calling for milliners of all level to enter. I entered a piece called Pleasantly Chic to my shock I got a phone call telling me I had been shortlisted out if 2,500 entries to the final 12 and to amazment, my entry hat was sold in John Lewis's London next to a Philip Treacy hat, I was awarded Highky commebded. House of Charles was officially launched in 2014.. feeling blessed that in my first year of launch one of my design's was featured in the local press as well as their online site and since 2014 my design's have made not only local press but international press, for Ascot being featured on Getty images, CNN news, Reuters International business Times. as well as being featured in Vanityfair, Harper's Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, ITV, Sky sports TV, Chanel 4, etc. And in 2019 I won 3 awards for my work. House of Charles design's have been worn by celebrities to Oscars pre party evevts, Dior Savage show, and worn by high profile celebrities such as Hollywood actress Anna Friel . I love creating pieces that make everyone feel like a celebrity event if it's only for just one day. Bespoke. House of Charles creates unique pieces for those who want to stand out from the Crowd! Including race hats and headwear, bridal, mother of the brude and unisex and men's hats bespoke our speciality.
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